Price Range: $10
Producer: Louis Dressner Selection
Region & Country: Languedoc, France
Grape Variety: Red Table Wine (Syrah, Carignane & Grenache blend)
Recommended By: Erika & Larry Swain - First tasted it over at their house.
Place & Date Purchased: LUSH Wine & Spirits, Chicago, IL - 09/28/2008
Place & Date Tasted: Home - 10/07/2008
Dinner: Various cheeses and salami
Appearance: Clear, ruby red; medium bodied
Nose: Very little fruit, hot, some spices.
Taste: Hot, pepper. I have actually read people reporting the taste of olives. I think the wine was too hot to taste olives.
Finish: Lingers for a long time; acidic
Overall Impression: The first time I tried with wine with Erika & Larry, I didn't mind the taste. It was good. This might have been a bad bottle though. Overall, it was very hot, even after I had aerated it. There was very little fruit taste. It was just an average wine.
Overall Rating: 82/100
Overall Value: **.5 / 5 Stars
Whore! I love this wine! Are you saying I have no taste!?
No! I'm saying that the bottle I had with you and Larry was so much better. I even had a bottle with my friend, Sarah, at a party and it wasn't bad either. But this particular bottle I had tasted off. Something wasn't right about it...even after I aerated it. ... you da whore!
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